Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Scientific Texts

Scientific Texts by Budiasih, M.Hum
Expository Text
A situation model for a scientific text, on the other hand, is likely to concentrate on the components of a system and their relationships, the events and processes that occur during the working of the system, and the uses of the system.
Narrative Text
A situation model for a narrative is likely to refer to the characters in it and their emotional states, the setting, the action and sequence of events.
Five common types of structure used in scientific texts
1. Generalization
2. Enumeration
3. Sequence
4. Classification
5. Comparison / contrast
 the extension or clarification of main ideas through explanations or examples
Restatement in your own words -- paraphrasing
The steps:
identifying the main idea
list and define the key words
restate the main idea in your own words
look for evidence to support the main idea
what kind of support is there for the main idea?
are there examples, illustrations?
do they extend or clarify the main idea?
listing of facts
The steps:
the topic
Identifying subtopics
organizing and listing the details within each subtopic, using your own words
a connecting series of events or steps
The steps:
identifying the topic
name each step and outline the details within each
briefly discuss what's different from one step to another
 grouping items into classes
Comparison/ Contrast
Examining the relationships between two or more things
looking at relationships between items.
Comparison-- similarities and differences
Contrast-- differences

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